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Free Demo inference API

In order to promote the spirit of open source, we are providing this free API endpoint which contains llava-phi3, llama2-7b and Mistril-7b. You can use the endpoints to play around and get familiar with the endpoints before you decide to deploy your private LLM inference API. The endpoints are openAI library compatible and can be used as an open source drop in replacement.

  • You can use this base link to acess the API:
Terminal window

Here are some examples:

Generate request (Streaming)

Terminal window
curl http://baseAkashUrl/api/generate -d '{
"model": "llava-phi3",
"prompt": "What is quantum mechanics?"

If stream is set to false, the response will be a single JSON object:

"model": "llava-phi3",
"created_at": "2023-08-04T19:22:45.499127Z",
"response": "It is a field of physics dealing with sub atomic particles.",
"done": true,
"context": [1, 2, 3],
"total_duration": 5043500667,
"load_duration": 5025959,
"prompt_eval_count": 26,
"prompt_eval_duration": 325953000,
"eval_count": 290,
"eval_duration": 4709213000